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(Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I change my password?

To change your password, log in to your account and go to the "Account Settings" section. Look for the "Change Password" option, enter your current password, and then set a new password. Make sure to choose a strong and unique password to enhance the security of your account.

I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

If you've forgotten your password, navigate to the login page and click on the "Forgot Password" or "Reset Password" link. You'll receive instructions on your registered email address to reset your password. Follow the steps provided to create a new password and regain access to your account.

Can I change the email associated with my account?

Yes, you can usually change the email associated with your account. Go to the "Account Settings" section, find the option to update your email, and enter the new email address. You might receive a verification email to confirm the change.

How can I update my profile information?

To update your profile information, log in to your account and go to the "Account Settings" section. From there, you can edit your name, contact details, profile picture, and other relevant information. Remember to save the changes after making updates.

How can I update my email preferences?

To update your email preferences, log in to your account and go to the "Account Settings" section. From there, you can edit your preferences.

Can I delete my account permanently?

Yes, you can usually delete your account permanently. Check the platform's "Account Settings" or "Privacy" section for the option to delete your account. Keep in mind that this action is usually irreversible, and all your data will be lost.

What happens when I deactivate my account?

Account deactivation usually means your account is temporarily disabled. During this period, your account and information will be hidden from others. If you decide to reactivate your account later, you can log back in with your credentials.

Still got questions?

If you need assistance or just want to ask us a question, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll try to get back to you ASAP.

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